Start & Scale Your Video Business To 6-Figures 🚀

Without Cold Calling, Cold DMing, or Wasting Hours Begging People To Become A Client

Get Access To The Our Full "Business In A Box" System Covering Our Entire Sales, Marketing, & Fulfillment Processes We Use To Scale To Multiple 7 Figures.

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  • Avoid the pitfalls and failures of "trying" to build your video business on your own

  • Stop relying on referrals and "word of mouth" video client to feed your business

  • Ultimately get a proven blueprint for success in your video/creative business

Then The Academy is for YOU!

Today For Just... $5997 $2000 (Lifetime Access)

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Is The academy Worth it?

Results Matter! See What Our Students Are Saying...

How Esteban Closed $80K In Deals Working With Us

How Josh Closed A $20K Deal The First 4 Days Working With Us

How Jay 10x His Investment With Us in 2 Months 🤯

From $15,000 Projects To $20,000 - $40,000 Projects

How Alex Closed A $24K Video Deal 48 Hours After Our First Call

How Brock Closed $10K In One Week With Another $18,000 On The Way 🚀

How Julian 3X His Investment With Us In Just The Beginning 

How Mathew Landed a $16,000 Project Without Any Camera Gear

"Completely Changed My Business" 

"Shut Up And Take My Money"

How Chase Closed A $53K Deal In His First Week With Us

How Justin Left His 9-5 And Closed A $40,000 Video Deal

How Roger Closed $16K In One Week

How Justin Landed A $6K Deal 2 Weeks Into The Program 🤯

How Brendon Quoted An $11,200 Video Deal 5 Days In 🤯

From 0 to 10K Deals + $4K Retainers

"If you're on the fence, I promise it's going to be worth it"

$6,000/Month Retainer For ONE Client

"Worth Every Penny"

How Shounam Changed His Entire Video Business

How Graham Closed $44K In His First 30 Days With Us

How Anthony Basso Closed $18K In His First 3 Weeks

How Evan Closed $18K+ Video Deals

How Julian Closed $7K In 7 Days

How Brendon Closed $9K Within 7 Days Of Joining The Program

How Dante Closed A $7500 Video Deal Less Than 1 Month In

How Josh Landed His Biggest Video Deal Yet!

How Jake 2x-4x His Prices

How Ray Went From $300 Projects To High Ticket Retainers

How Keith Went From $1,000 Projects To $17,500 Projects and Beyond

How Josiah Landed His Biggest Job Ever At $6,000

More Results! Want to see some case studies?👇

From $15,000 Projects To $20,000 - $40,000 Projects

How Roger Closed $16K In One Week

How Brendon Closed $9K Within 7 Days Of Joining The Program

How Alex Closed A $24K Video Deal 48 Hours After Our First Call

How Justin Landed A $6K Deal 2 Weeks Into The Program 🤯

How Dante Closed A $7500 Video Deal Less Than 1 Month In

How Brock Closed $10K In One Week With Another $18,000 On The Way 🚀

How Brendon Quoted An $11,200 Video Deal 5 Days In 🤯

How Josh Landed His Biggest Video Deal Yet!

How Julian 3X His Investment With Us In Just The Beginning 

From 0 to 10K Deals + $4K Retainers

How Jake 2x-4x His Prices

From $5K Deals To $12K Deals

"If you're on the fence, I promise it's going to be worth it"

How Ray Went From $300 Projects To High Ticket Retainers

How Mathew Landed a $16,000 Project Without Any Camera Gear

$6,000/Month Retainer For ONE Client

How Keith Went From $1,000 Projects To $17,500 Projects and Beyond

"Completely Changed My Business" 

"Worth Every Penny"

How Josiah Landed His Biggest Job Ever At $6,000

"Shut Up And Take My Money"

How Shounam Changed His Entire Video Business

Check Out More Students Who Are Crushing It 🤯👇

Still Skeptical? 
Good. Here's a conversation between one of our recently joined members (who was skeptical at first) and our member who's been in the program.

The Fastest Way To Starting & Scaling Your Video Business WITHOUT Wasting Years and Thousands In Trial And Error...


24/7 Lifetime Access - Anywhere, Anytime At Your Own Pace

When You Get The Academy, You Get Full & Immediate Access To:

The Academy Masterclass

The Complete A-Z On How To Start & Scale A Video Business

This Includes:

  • Your Complete Roadmap To Scaling

  • Prepping Your High Ticket Mindset

  • Business Fundamentals & How To Structure Your Business

  • Crafting Your Offer 101 & Pricing Your Retainers

  • Prospecting and Creating An Inbound Lead System

  • Discovery Call And Sales Meeting Workflow

  • CRM Set Up And Optimization

  • Managing & Leading A Team

($9,997 Value)


The Complete Video Sales Meeting Workflow

  • A Complete Sales Script and Guide To Closing $10K+ Video Deals

  • Live Call Recordings From YEARS of experience

  • EXACTLY what to say and how to say it

>This will make closing video deals 10x easier for you.

($997 Value)


The Offer 101 Workshop + Pricing Guide

  • Exactly what to price you content packages at and how to price it

  • Example retainers from other clients closing $100K+ per month in video deals

>Steal these exact packages and close your next $10K+ Video Deal

($997 Value)


12 Month LIFETIME Access Membership

  • Very soon we will be opening up a membership group to the public for $5000+...

When you join today you'll get LIFETIME ACCESS to everything in the program.

($1997 Value)

Total Value: $13,988

Normally: $5,997

Now: $2000 Lifetime Access

What exactly do we help people with?

Here's a list of what we do...

-6 Figure Mindset- Business Fundamentals

- Finding High Ticket Video Clients (Organic + Paid) 

- Setting Up An Automated System For Leads

- Discovery Meeting + Sales Meeting Workflow

- Closing High Ticket Deals

- Entire Database of Proposal, Contracts, Pitch Decks, Etc.

- Offer & Distribution: Video Strategy

- Pricing, Payments, And Retainers

- Strategic Content Creation

- Converting Video Blueprint

....we work together and build your business from top to bottom

At what point can you help people?

Beginner to expert. You don't even need to have your business built yet. We will help you create one. If you're paying us to help you let us help you build a solid foundation.

What is the difference between your program and others?

Two things. The first is I am actually a filmmaker, not a fancy marketer trying to sell to filmmakers...(Like some others 👀). 

The second thing is I actually still run my production company Deeran Films LLC because I love doing this so much.I love working with others who are just like me and that's why I started this program!

Do I have to sell my soul and do that boring "corporate" work?

Nope! That stuff is terrible haha. The boring corporate interviews without an ounce of creativity.

WE focus on getting commercial work that flexes your creative muscles because at the end of the day...that's why you got into video in the first place.

If you can't be creative, what's the point?

I've tried other programs and didn't get results, how do I know this will work?

Again, I'm teaching you the same methods and strategies I use and still use in my companies and businesses. 

If a broke country club server like me can do it, you absolutely can too.

I'm scared to make this decision.

I get it I was exactly where you are. My first coach asked me for 10k and I only had 5k in my bank account.

Ironically the program in my opinion wasn't even that great but I went on to make hundreds of thousands from taking that first step. 

It's always scary at first because our brains tell us that they fear the unknown and because we don't know what may happen.

I can't afford this program, is there anything you can do for me?

Yes, we actually have payment plans to make it easier for you! Just select one from the drop down.

How do I justify charging more for my videos?

There are a few ways...

1. Because you deserve to be well paid for the things you do. Why would you choose to get paid $300 when you can get paid $5000+? Money isn't everything but in life being well paid for what you do is not evil or wrong.

2. You'll feel better about providing the service and enjoy it more.When you give a lot of yourself to clients you want to feel like you're being compensated well for it or you will start to resent them and the service. If a client is asking for a lot but you are well paid then you don't mind as much. If they are asking for a lot but pay very little it's easy to start becoming resentful towards them.

3. Your clients will get better results! I've always noticed a trend that my clients get much better results when they pay more. Why?

Because we place more value on the things we pay for and even higher value on the things we pay the most for. By getting clients that pay more money you will notice they are more invested and will try harder than clients who do not.

Do I have to learn how to be an icky salesman?

Nope! We hate those guys! 

I'm a very laid-back, casual person and I approach "selling" in the same way. 

There's this huge stigma around sales for creatives and I'm here to break that.

Selling is just communicating your value and worth in a way that makes sense to your clients, so they are happy to pay higher prices and get a great product!

How can I start if I've never worked with commercial clients before?

Everyone starts from zero, even me. 

We have a proprietary system for helping complete beginners land their first commercial job!

As well as systems to help experts scale their video business!

Do I need a following?

No I didn't have one, and still really don't have one.

It's all about knowing how to get leads on demand and leveraging that. 

I know tons of people who have millions of followers but very little in their bank account.

Can I pay you after I make money back?

No. If you can't bet on yourself I wouldn't bet on you either. 

Success is achievable for anyone but it does come with sacrifice. If I allowed that I would be doing you a great disservice.

If I purchase now can I start later?


Is this for people just starting out or will this help me build my growing business?

It's laid out in a fashion that even a beginner will understand but if you're doing less than 7 figures a year this will help you tremendously.

Most of your students are in America. Will this work for someone living outside of the USA?

As long as you have the internet you're good to. 

The only reason I have more students in America is because I live here so price points, time schedules, and languages are all similar.

I have clients all over the world including Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, South America, New Zealand, and more.

I don't have experience and don't know what my niche is.

That's ok, that's exactly what we help with!

How much money do I need on ads?

None at all actually. You can start making money without a single dollar in ad spend.

What if I need to ask someone for permission?

It's always best to ask for forgiveness than permission.

Take the leap and notify them later.If you have to ask for permission from someone to be successful you will stay stuck. My family told me I was dumb for what I was doing and look at where I am today.

The Fastest Way To Starting & Scaling Your Video Business WITHOUT Wasting Years and Thousands In Trial And Error...


24/7 Lifetime Access - Anywhere, Anytime At Your Own Pace

When You Get The Academy, You Get Full & Immediate Access To:

The Academy Masterclass

The Complete A-Z On How To Start & Scale A Video Business

This Includes:

  • Your Complete Roadmap To Scaling

  • Prepping Your High Ticket Mindset

  • Business Fundamentals & How To Structure Your Business

  • Crafting Your Offer 101 & Pricing Your Retainers

  • Prospecting and Creating An Inbound Lead System

  • Discovery Call And Sales Meeting Workflow

  • CRM Set Up And Optimization

  • Managing & Leading A Team

($9,997 Value)


The Complete Video Sales Meeting Workflow

  • A Complete Sales Script and Guide To Closing $10K+ Video Deals

  • Live Call Recordings From YEARS of experience

  • EXACTLY what to say and how to say it

>This will make closing video deals 10x easier for you.

($997 Value)


The Offer 101 Workshop + Pricing Guide

  • Exactly what to price you content packages at and how to price it

  • Example retainers from other clients closing $100K+ per month in video deals

>Steal these exact packages and close your next $10K+ Video Deal

($997 Value)


12 Month LIFETIME Access Membership

  • Very soon we will be opening up a membership group to the public for $297 a month...

When you join today you'll get LIFETIME ACCESS to everything in the program.

($1997 Value)

Total Value: $13,988

Total Value: $13,988

Normally: $5,997

Now: $97/Mo with a 3 Day Trial!

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