Our average client makes $10,333 in their first 31 days working with us 👇

We'll Help You Close High-Ticket Commercial Video Retainers Consistently -- Or We Work With You For Free Until You Do 🚀

We Guarantee Our Results IF You're ACCEPTED To Work With Us...So Book Your Call & Let's Talk!

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This IS For You If:

  • You've had CLIENTS for commercial video work in the past (commercial video work is video work for any business)

  • You want to scale up and close higher ticket video deals ($5K-$100K+)

  • You are doing this FULLTIME or are VERY serious about taking it FULLTIME

  • You're NOT living paycheck to paycheck and want to invest into the growth of your business

This IS NOT For You If: (Please Don't Apply)

  • You've NEVER had video clients before

  • You ONLY want to do weddings and music videos and don't want to transition to doing commercial work to make more money

  • You are a complete BEGINNER who doesn't know how to shoot or edit video

  • ​You ONLY want to do this as a side gig

Join The #1 Program Hundreds Of Filmmakers Trust To Scale Their Business


Once we implemented this almost backwards system into our Business...

Sales were through the roof 🤯

Introducing...The Most Comprehensive Program To Take Your Video Business To 6-Figures.

The 6 Figure Mindset

Having the right mindset is arguably the most important part of growing as a filmmaker and entrepreneur. 

It's what either propels you forward, or hold you back. We'll teach you the exact mindset we used to grow a 6-Figure Video Business

Business Fundamentals

If your business isn't structured the right way, you won't be able to grow effectively or efficiently. 

We'll show you exactly how to structure a 6-Figure Video Business, even if you're starting from zero.

Finding High Ticket Video Clients (Organic + Paid)

We have over 10+ Different Strategies inside the full program to find and prospect for new clients utilizes every single platform (Facebook, Instagram, Google, LinkedIn, etc.) 

We'll teach you exactly how to approach and find commercial video clients 100% online without using outdated methods like relying on referrals or going to boring networking events (yawn).

Setting Up An Automated System For Leads

We also have a completely automated system for getting clients (as referred to in our training above) to help you scale your business efficiently and effortlessly. 

No more "hope and pray" marketing. 

Discovery Meeting + Sales Meeting Workflow + Closing Deals

Arguably the most important part of growing a video business is sales. 

If you don't know how to sell your beautiful work, you'll always be stuck in your business. 

We have full workflows built out for our Discovery Meetings and Sales Meetings. We also have a proprietary way of pitching and closing clients.  

Entire Database of Proposals, Contracts, Pitch Decks, and More

You also get access to an entire database of over 400+ Proposals, Contracts, Pitch Decks, and everything else we've used to build our 6-Figure Production Company. 

Offer & Distribution: Video Strategy

We'll help you nail your offer so you can charge the highest possible price for your videos and video strategies. 

Not just another pretty video, a system of videos that help your clients grow and in turn, help you grow. 

Pricing, Payments, and Retainers

We'll show you exactly how to structure client payments, how much to charge, how to charge it, and most importantly how to get retainers with clients so you can grow to 6-Figures within weeks.

Strategic Content Creation

Pretty videos are just that...Pretty

We focus on helping you create content that gets RESULTS.

And how to use that in a strategy for both you and your clients so you can increase sales. 

Converting Video Blueprint

We'll show you exactly how to create videos that convert and drive traffic to both your business and your client's businesses.

If you can help your clients drive profitable traffic, you can ultimately charge whatever you want.

Weekly Direct Mentorship and Coaching Sessions

This is NOT a course. Courses are something that people stick you in and wish you luck. 

This is a Full Coaching Program with direct mentorship and coaching to keep you accountable and get you to 6-Figures in your video business as fast as humanly possible.

If you wanted to fly a plane, you wouldn't buy a "course" or read a book. You'd pay someone who's already flown planes to teach you, right?

So why would you treat your business any differently?

We provide full support and mentorship unlike any other program on the market.

Does What We Teach Actually Work?

Results Matter! See What Our Students Are Saying...

How David Went From Skeptic To Closing $133K Video Deal

How Alex Closes $75K Deals And Funded His Own Studio In California

How Esteban Closed $80K In Deals Working With Us

How Josh Closed A $20K Deal The First 4 Days Working With Us

How Jay 10x His Investment With Us in 2 Months 🤯

From $15,000 Projects To $20,000 - $40,000 Projects

How Alex Closed A $24K Video Deal 48 Hours After Our First Call

How Brock Closed $10K In One Week With Another $18,000 On The Way 🚀

How Julian 3X His Investment With Us In Just The Beginning 

How Mathew Landed a $16,000 Project Without Any Camera Gear

"Completely Changed My Business" 

"Shut Up And Take My Money"

How Matt Closed A $131K Video Deal

How Seth Closed $204K In Video Retainers In 30 Days

How Mike Closed A $33K Video Retainer

How Chase Closed A $53K Deal In His First Week With Us

How Evan Closed A $22K Deal And Shifted His Entire Mindset

How Antonio & Lauren Closed Higher Ticket Video Deals And Transformed Their Video Business

How Justin Left His 9-5 And Closed A $40,000 Video Deal

How Roger Closed $16K In One Week

How Justin Landed A $6K Deal 2 Weeks Into The Program 🤯

How Brendon Quoted An $11,200 Video Deal 5 Days In 🤯

From 0 to 10K Deals + $4K Retainers

"If you're on the fence, I promise it's going to be worth it"

$6,000/Month Retainer For ONE Client

"Worth Every Penny"

How Shounam Changed His Entire Video Business

How Graham Closed $123K In 7 Days Using Our Inbound System

How Alex Closed $93K In 3 Months

How Brendan Closed A $60K Retainer In 3 Weeks

How Anthony Basso Closed $18K In His First 3 Weeks

How Evan Closed $18K+ Video Deals

How Julian Closed $7K In 7 Days

How Brendon Closed $9K Within 7 Days Of Joining The Program

How Dante Closed A $7500 Video Deal Less Than 1 Month In

How Josh Landed His Biggest Video Deal Yet!

How Jake 2x-4x His Prices

How Ray Went From $300 Projects To High Ticket Retainers

How Keith Went From $1,000 Projects To $17,500 Projects and Beyond

How Josiah Landed His Biggest Job Ever At $6,000

More Results! Want to see some case studies?👇

From $15,000 Projects To $20,000 - $40,000 Projects

How Roger Closed $16K In One Week

How Brendon Closed $9K Within 7 Days Of Joining The Program

How Alex Closed A $24K Video Deal 48 Hours After Our First Call

How Justin Landed A $6K Deal 2 Weeks Into The Program 🤯

How Dante Closed A $7500 Video Deal Less Than 1 Month In

How Brock Closed $10K In One Week With Another $18,000 On The Way 🚀

How Brendon Quoted An $11,200 Video Deal 5 Days In 🤯

How Josh Landed His Biggest Video Deal Yet!

How Julian 3X His Investment With Us In Just The Beginning 

From 0 to 10K Deals + $4K Retainers

How Jake 2x-4x His Prices

From $5K Deals To $12K Deals

"If you're on the fence, I promise it's going to be worth it"

How Ray Went From $300 Projects To High Ticket Retainers

How Mathew Landed a $16,000 Project Without Any Camera Gear

$6,000/Month Retainer For ONE Client

How Keith Went From $1,000 Projects To $17,500 Projects and Beyond

"Completely Changed My Business" 

"Worth Every Penny"

How Josiah Landed His Biggest Job Ever At $6,000

"Shut Up And Take My Money"

How Shounam Changed His Entire Video Business

Check Out More Students Who Are Crushing It 🤯👇

Still Skeptical? 

Good. Here's a conversation between one of our recently joined members (who was skeptical at first) and our member who's been in the program.

Why Waste Time & $$ Watching 100's Of Course Videos Or Trying To Figure Things Out On Your Own Just To End Up Right Where You Started?

Start Scaling Your Video Business With Commercial Video Clients Today!

Ready To Start Landing 5-6 Figure Video Deals?

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