For Video Business Owners, Video Creators, & Filmmakers

How To Close $10K - $204K Video Deals And "Recession-Proof" Your Creative Business In 1 Day 🚀

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What You'll Get Inside:

  • ​How To Consistently Close Video Deals In Your Business

  • ​The NEW Video Sales Meeting Model My Private Clients and I Are Using

  • ​Install A Repeatable System To Close Deals Almost Every Time

  • Program your mind for proper handling (and attraction) of RESOURCE -- money, relationships, assets & opportunities

  • ​How To Conquer Objections, Concerns, And "I can't afford it"

  • ​Live Workshop Recording w/ Bonus Q&A Session Recording So You Can See Clients Following This System

  • ​BONUS: Live Call Reviews Of Closed Deals

  • ​BONUS: Free Workflow Chart To Easily Use On Your Next Call

  • ​BONUS: Objection Handling Roadmap

  • ​And Much More (Including a step-by-step system to collect payments)

There is no greater competitive edge in the world greater than learning how to CLOSE DEALS.

In a controlled environment, with two exactly equal businesses...

...the one with better sales ability wins.

And I don't know about you...

But I got into the video business game to close deals and help clients.

Yet, most video business owners are so hell-bent on getting "better gear" to get clients...

... That they wind up on an endless hamster-wheel of chasing low budget clients who won't pay...

And the money that hit their account on Tuesday is gone by next Friday...

... And so the cycle continues...

Turning most well-to-do video business owners into a slave to their clients, and their goal of amassing durable, long-lasting wealth slowly slips through their fingers.

The real problem here (and why most video business owners only last 1-3 years before they fizzle out)...

Is because you've been sold on the endless ways to get "perfect your work" but no plan as to how to ACTUALLY get clients.

At the end of the day, a sound strategy for closing high ticket deals consistently is the fastest way to close deals.

And closing deals is the secret to ascending to a new level of wealth (personally and professionally) as a creative business owner.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of benefits that comes with closing bigger video deals:

Better Talent & Team Retention

(which means more output, and less labor for you as the owner)

Better Video For Clients

(creating amazing work takes time and money)

Better Marketing

(marketing is the collection & integration of DATA, collecting data costs money)

Better Clients

(it’s amazing what happens when you’re not taking clients for money, but rather, for service, passion, or upside — you can’t make this shift if you don’t have money)

Longer "Time Horizons"

(long term decisions are only

possible when you aren’t crunched in the short term)

If you can nail each of these, you will be light years ahead of many of your peers and competitors.

My goal with this letter (and in this new course) is to show you how I do this, and enable you to model it for yourself. I have only taught this to private clients and a few folks who paid 5-figures or more for the information. Many of them paid the fees quickly & easily because the ‘feast or famine’ rollercoaster their business had them in had completely exhausted them. 

Accrue the Benefits of a Stable, Secure, Indestructible Video Business

When I got my first video client, I was ecstatic. 

Then I got two more in rapid succession and I felt the now familiar feeling, “I am rich!” Of course, I wasn’t rich… it was simply the first time in my life I had experienced getting paid to CREATE VIDEOS THAT I LOVE, rather than getting paid to “DO.” My checks were paid directly into a bank account, and then rent came out. 

Then the car payment. Then food & groceries. And lo & behold the next thing I knew, my account was right back where it started.

There was "feast"...And then there was "famine"

It took many years and (to be completely transparent), tens of thousands of dollars on coaches, planners & educational resources to figure out for MYSELF that I had amazing work...but I didn't know how to close deals and talk to clients in a sales meeting. 

There are all sorts of books and courses on the internet, promising to teach you how to “close more deals” and “hard close clients.” But to be honest, they just exist to upsell you into more stuff. I know because I bought many of them. 

They sound good on paper, but when you go through them they repeat themselves over and over and talk about how complicated everything is. 

The Ultimate Video Sales Workshop is my engineering system that my private clients and I are benefiting from is the result of almost a decade in the trenches, building multiple 7-figure businesses.

Here's What's Included:

A Full "Close The Deal" Workflow

This dashboard gives you direct access to every single word to say to close the video deal with little to no objections!

Live Sales Calls + Closed Deals

We provide you with an entire bank of sales call reviews and closed deals so you can copy and paste this into your video business

Full Objection Handling Workshop

Program your mind for proper handling (and attraction) of OBJECTIONS -- and how to get the prospect to say "Let's Do This"

Live Workshop Recording With Bonus Q&A...

So every nuance is covered for you to implement this sales system with absolute confidence & certainty


(... and oh boy... are there a lot of them)


Complete Sales Tracker Sheet

The sales tracker sheet is a vital tool for video business owners looking to increase their closing rate and grow their client base.

This sheet allows you to track your deal flow and sales progress, set goals, and identify areas for improvement.

Not only will this help you CLOSE MORE, but it'll help you CLOSE FASTER.

With this tool, you'll be able to easily see which clients are closing and which ones need more support or follow-up.

We've charged hundreds for this sheet alone!


The Digging Method Workflow

If you're struggling to get to the root "pain" of your prospects. Our "Digging Method" workshop is designed specifically for video business owners like yourself.

The "Digging Method" is a proven technique to effectively communicate with potential clients, understand their needs, and close more deals. You'll learn how to identify and target your ideal customer, create compelling sales pitches, and close deals with confidence by using this invaluable workshop.


The Ghost Re-Activation Script

Tired of prospects ghosting you immediately after the sales meeting? I was too.

That's why I created our specific method for re-activating prospects who ghost in a not "salesy" way.


The Do-The-Math & Uncertainty Based Close

I understand that sometimes, the “information” can make sense, but your prospects still have uncertainty that keeps them from closing and moving forward with you.

We've studied 1000s of sales calls and found it really comes down to 2 main things, and we've identified them and found EXACTLY what to say to get them to close.

And one more thing...

Until we "wise up" and take this page down, I’ll sweeten the deal by throwing in a bonus that is so friggin’ cool I can’t even tell you about it here… but I’ll tell you this much:

  • In 2022, hundreds of people wired $10,000 to learn this information

  • ​I offered refunds if any of them were unhappy - nobody asked for one

  • ​We covered the following, via in-depth training & keynote slides

Why am I including all of this?

For a limited time only, right here on this page, my “Ultimate Video Sales Workshop” training and all the bonuses are all included for one time limited price...

No “continuity program” hidden fees in the fine print, or anything like that. And no obligation to buy anything else from us, ever. Although you might want to after you see how good the material is. 

My goal with this product is to create a relationship. Once you sit down to study this material, there is a good chance you will come back to deepen the relationship. 

Many of the 6 and 7 figure case study clients I’ve created over the years, started with me because of a product just like this one. Implement, see results, then come back for more training! 

Regardless, you are covered no matter what. You aren’t risking a penny.

Here's what you're getting instantly when you grab your copy of Ultimate Video Sales Workshop today!

  • A private, customer-only “Sales” dashboard, which means every asset, explanation, training & calculator will be easily accessible for instant usage any time you want

  • Four modules of video content so you can me work through the templates, the spreadsheets, and the frameworks necessary to organize your assets & create instant clarity in your cashflows

  • Live Recorded Sales Call Breakdowns, designed to be listened to multiple times, that will help you close all the deals you want

  • A bonus, “Live” version of the training where you can see me answer questions & audience feedback, so every small nuance is addressed & covered for you

PLUS - These Limited Time Bonuses!

Complete Sales Tracker Sheet

Our Full Sales Tracker Sheet we've used to close millions in sales...

The Digging Method Workflow

If you're struggling to get to the root "pain" of your prospects. This will help you get their pain on a silver platter.

The Ghost Re-Activation Script

Our specific method for re-activating prospects who ghost in a not "salesy" way.

The Do-The-Math & Uncertainty Based Close

How to conquer and close the most "skeptical" buyers

InfoWhere Should We Send It?
Your infoGet Your Pack Now!

Does THis Actually Work?

Results Matter! We've helped 300+ video business owners over the past couple of years

How Esteban Closed $80K In Deals Working With Us

How Josh Closed A $20K Deal The First 4 Days Working With Us

How Jay 10x His Investment With Us in 2 Months 🤯

From $15,000 Projects To $20,000 - $40,000 Projects

How Alex Closed A $24K Video Deal 48 Hours After Our First Call

How Brock Closed $10K In One Week With Another $18,000 On The Way 🚀

How Julian 3X His Investment With Us In Just The Beginning 

How Mathew Landed a $16,000 Project Without Any Camera Gear

"Completely Changed My Business" 

"Shut Up And Take My Money"

How Chase Closed A $53K Deal In His First Week With Us

How Justin Left His 9-5 And Closed A $40,000 Video Deal

How Roger Closed $16K In One Week

How Justin Landed A $6K Deal 2 Weeks Into The Program 🤯

How Brendon Quoted An $11,200 Video Deal 5 Days In 🤯

From 0 to 10K Deals + $4K Retainers

"If you're on the fence, I promise it's going to be worth it"

$6,000/Month Retainer For ONE Client

"Worth Every Penny"

How Shounam Changed His Entire Video Business

How Graham Closed $44K In His First 30 Days With Us

How Anthony Basso Closed $18K In His First 3 Weeks

How Evan Closed $18K+ Video Deals

How Julian Closed $7K In 7 Days

How Brendon Closed $9K Within 7 Days Of Joining The Program

How Dante Closed A $7500 Video Deal Less Than 1 Month In

How Josh Landed His Biggest Video Deal Yet!

How Jake 2x-4x His Prices

How Ray Went From $300 Projects To High Ticket Retainers

How Keith Went From $1,000 Projects To $17,500 Projects and Beyond

How Josiah Landed His Biggest Job Ever At $6,000

More Results! Want to see some case studies?👇

From $15,000 Projects To $20,000 - $40,000 Projects

How Roger Closed $16K In One Week

How Brendon Closed $9K Within 7 Days Of Joining The Program

How Alex Closed A $24K Video Deal 48 Hours After Our First Call

How Justin Landed A $6K Deal 2 Weeks Into The Program 🤯

How Dante Closed A $7500 Video Deal Less Than 1 Month In

How Brock Closed $10K In One Week With Another $18,000 On The Way 🚀

How Brendon Quoted An $11,200 Video Deal 5 Days In 🤯

How Josh Landed His Biggest Video Deal Yet!

How Julian 3X His Investment With Us In Just The Beginning 

From 0 to 10K Deals + $4K Retainers

How Jake 2x-4x His Prices

From $5K Deals To $12K Deals

"If you're on the fence, I promise it's going to be worth it"

How Ray Went From $300 Projects To High Ticket Retainers

How Mathew Landed a $16,000 Project Without Any Camera Gear

$6,000/Month Retainer For ONE Client

How Keith Went From $1,000 Projects To $17,500 Projects and Beyond

"Completely Changed My Business" 

"Worth Every Penny"

How Josiah Landed His Biggest Job Ever At $6,000

"Shut Up And Take My Money"

How Shounam Changed His Entire Video Business

Check Out More Students Who Are Crushing It 🤯👇

Still Skeptical? 
Good. Here's a conversation between one of our recently joined members (who was skeptical at first) and our member who's been in the program.

This IS For You If:

  • You want to close more clients in your video business

  • You want to scale up and close higher ticket video deals ($5K-$100K+)

  • You are willing to implement these strategies and put in some work

This IS NOT For You If: (Please Don't Buy)

  • You don't want to make more money

  • You don't believe in what you sell and want to scam your clients

  • ​You're looking for a "magic pill"

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This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

DISCLAIMER: I am NOT giving you legal or financial advice or acting as a legal or financial professional. You should always consult your own lawyers before using any of these documents. It's best practice to have your own lawyer review everything before using and implementing.